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A Little About "Us".


Elisabeth Veltman

A writer, marketing consultant, and lover of all culinary delights, Elisabeth is also a Tender Foodie.  While living in New York City she learned of her own food allergies in 2001.  Her first thought was, "will I ever enjoy food again?"   With this question and her health in mind, she embarked on a strange trip that included an unwanted education and episodes of trial and error.  She eventually embraced her new lifestyle as a creative challenge and has searched for other Tender Foodies who have turned their lemons into businesses, recipes, restaurants and incredible knowledge.  Now a resident of Grand Rapids, Michigan, she has decided to share the information she has learned and is learning.   There is a large, growing number of Tender Foodies out there.  There are also  responsible, talented Tender Vendors who serve this market and by so doing, have joined the food revolution.  Elisabeth would like Tender Foodies everywhere to get to know them all. 

Elisabeth is also the CEO & Chief Consultant of Blue Pearl Customer Strategies.


Our Contributers

Food allergies affect every area of a Tender Foodie's life.  So our contributers are experts in each of these areas.  We have enlisted (and are enlisting) doctors, chefs, dieticians, accountants, physical therapists, food allergy bloggers, restaurant owners, manufacturers, mental health professionals, environmental professionals - whoever is needed to give you the best information.  We hope that you will use the Tender Palate (coming soon) and its blog, The Tender Foodie as a guide for your Tender lifestyle.


Our Member Advertisers & Our Editorial Content

In order to bring you the best information that we can, we have membership opportunities for advertisers (Tender Vendors).  Vendors pay a small fee to be included in our business listing (coming soon).  Vendors also have the opportunity to place sidebar advertisements.  By working in this way, we can begin to pay our writers and researchers, then grow this business to serve Tender Foodies the way you deserve to be served -- very well. 

We have two rules:

1.  Our Vendors must offer a service or product that supports the lifestyle of Tender Foodies. (See Become a Member for specific details.)  We have the right to say "no thanks" to an advertiser who does not serve the food allergy market.  Our mission is to be the place where Tender Foodies everywhere can find the resources you need, without shuffling through information on products and services that you can't use.

2.  The editorial content in the Tender Foodie and the Tender Palate is not influenced by the Tender Vendors who choose to advertise on the site. We promise to do our very best to bring you frank, direct feedback on any product, service or place of business that we review.  We will tell you if and when we have a bad experience.  But we won't go out looking for one.  Likewise, if and when we have a good experience, we will unabashedly say so. 

 We love it when you, the Tender Foodies and Tender Vendors around the world give your opinion, too.  Challenge us.  And more importantly - tell us what you like.

Our goal is to support vendors who balance ethical, health and social responsibility while serving up the Tender Deliciousness that Tender Foodies deserve.  In other words, we want the good guys to stick around for a long time.