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HAVE A QUESTION? > Anyone else have reactions to Tapioca?

I have a friend who has developed an allergy to tapioca after he removed gluten from his diet. His reactions consist of: racing heart, swelling throat and face, skin rash, and throwing up. Has anyone else developed a reaction to tapioca after going gf?
May 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDawn R.
Thanks for your question, Dawn! I'll be interested to see if this one blows up like the quinoa question did!
Hello Dawn,

Thank you again for your question. I had to stop The Tender Foodie for several years, as some severe health issues related to Lyme Disease popped up, but as I re-plan what to do with the blog, I re-ran across your question. It blew me away, b/c I, myself, began to develop the exact same reaction to tapioca that you describe here. As a result, I had to cut back on many foods and products because of cross contamination of tapioca - especially in gluten free foods. I've been hearing about more cases of this, as well. I empathize with your friend, because it can take a long time to figure this out.

If you still have access to the email you posted with and happen to see it, please let me know how your friend is, and if there is any wisdom you picked up along the way, or any questions with which I might be able to help.

Best Regards,