Recipe: Mango, Strawberry & Kiwi Fruit Salad
Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 12:23PM
Elisabeth Veltman, The Tender Foodie in Recipe, dairy-free, food allergy, fruit salad, gluten-free, kiwi, mango, strawberry, vegetarian


Quick Fruity Inspiration

1 mango

2-3 kiwi

8-10 strawberries

The juice of 1/2 a lime (or a whole one if its not very juicy).

Serves 1 or 2

I usually have a grapefruit every morning before breakfast, but this morning, I thought I'd try something different.  You just need a good pairing knife to chop off the strawberry tops and to peel away the mango and the kiwi skins.    Then slice the fruit and chop into bite-sized pieces.  The pieces don't have to be neat (heaven knows, mine aren't).  Squeeze with the juice of a 1/2 lime.  Some limes are not terribly juicy, so you may need to use the entire lime or simply try another one.  The lime juice adds a wonderful flavor to this classic, fruit combo.  If you want to share it, double, triple or quadruple accordingly.


Article originally appeared on The Tender Palate. For Foodies with Food Allergies. (
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