Ten Ways to Get Your Kid to LIKE Veggies!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 3:36PM
Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP in Going to School, Parents/Kids, games for vegetables, help kids like vegetables, my munch bug



2012 is about to end (and the world too according to the Mayan calendars, but let's not worry about that now).   Are you making New Years' Resolutions?  Perhaps you are determined (or mortified) after your kids turned up their nose once again to Grandma's Thanksgiving green bean casserole  and thus, you are already muttering: "In the new year, I am going to get my kids to eat more vegetables." Hmmm...yeah, right.  Maybe you are just hoping the Mayan's are correct and you won't have to tackle vegetables in 2013.


But seriously...it could happen - kids actually eating veggies that is. As a pediatric feeding therapist who specializes in teaching kids to eat new foods, let me share with you my top ten list for getting kids to LIKE vegetables: 




Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLPMelanie is speech language pathologist who specializes in feeding.  Her work brings her into the homes and schools of her clients, kids, who for various reasons have difficulty with food or with eating. She works with kids and their parents to develop effective strategies that help children become “more adventurous eaters”.  At least 50% of her clients have food allergies or intolerances, and for them, “adventurous eating” takes on a special meaning.  Melanie is also the author of Happy Mealtimes with Happy Kids” and the executive producer of “Dancing in the Kitchen.”



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The 12 Days of Christmas -- My Favorite Lunchtime Things (Part 1)

Tips to Help Your Food Allergic Child Belong During the Holidays

How to Talk Turkey (and Food Allergies) at Thanksgiving

How Can Parents Feel Less Stress with a Food Allergic Child in School?


Article originally appeared on The Tender Palate. For Foodies with Food Allergies. (http://www.tenderfoodie.com/).
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