RECIPE: CEO Muffins (Maple Cornbread)

Food allergy info: gluten-, dairy, and soy-freeEvery spring I become a little maple syrup obsessed. No offense to Aunt Jemima, but I used to abhor this amber liquid until I learned a valuable lesson: the difference between the real thing and the processed corn-syrupy substitute that was so popular when I was a kid. So, when I saw the bag of blue, stone ground corn meal sitting next to the maple syrup in the refrigerator I had a Eureka moment. Muffins!
I brought a version of these muffins to my Grand Rapids Chamber CEO Roundtable group to give them a test run. I love this group of business makers, because they are no nonsense leaders who are full of Eureka moments. Plus, when it's time to make a decision, they don't linger, they just do it. I named the muffins after them, because these muffins are equally "no nonsense". They stand alone, no buttering up allowed. They aren't too sweet but are super satisfying, and the recipe is decidedly quick to make and bake. Besides, since the muffins got rave reviews from these hard-to-please folks (one on-the-go Prez said it is perfect to eat in the car - no crumbs), I simply had to name them CEO.
Secret Tip
Real maple syrup rocks and is a great replacement for sugar. But, like chocolate, the maple needs something to add more depth when used in baked goods. Coffee is the secret ingredient. You don't actually taste the coffee, but there is just enough to round out the mapley flavors with the corn. (Likewise, adding a little coffee to your chocolate dessert recipes adds an indescribable depth of flavor as well).
On a differrent note, try a touch of real maple syrup in your cup of coffee instead of sugar. You don't need more than a drop of two, and Voila! There is less sugar in your cup. You will love me, you will thank me and you will add important trace minerals like zinc and manganese -- instead of empty calories to your java (and your bod).
Free from: Gluten, dairy, soy
Makes 12 muffins
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
1 & ¼ cups gluten-free stone ground organic corn flour (I used blue corn in mine, but Bob's Red Mill medium grind is great, but is processed in a factory that also processes soy and tree nuts, or Arrowhead Mills GF Organic Corn Meal is tested for gluten to 10 ppm.)
1 & ¼ cups of Jules Gluten-free All Purpose flour
(Jules is made in a facility free of the Big 8 allergens)
1 tsp. of sea salt
1 TBS of gluten-free aluminum-free baking powder
2 eggs
1 c. coconut milk (or almond milk)
¾ c. real, grade A maple syrup
2 TBS safflower oil (or coconut oil)
2 TBS brewed espresso or really good, strong coffee
Prepare a 12-cup muffin tin: pour a little of the oil onto a paper towel, then grease the inside of each little muffin cup.
In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (corn flour, all purpose flour, sea salt and baking powder). Use a whisk so that the flours combine well without any of those unsightly lumps. In medium bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients (egg, coconut milk, maple syrup, oil and coffee). Add the wet stuff into the dry stuff and stir until it is “just” mixed. Wait 1- 2 minutes until the mixture firms up a little.
Spoon into the prepared pan so that each cup is filled near the top. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes (pretty much exactly). The top of the muffin should be just firm.
Pop out of the tray to cool. If you use paper muffin cups, wait until completely cooled before diving in so the paper comes off more cleanly.
Serve with anything grilled like steak or chicken. Or simply consume with a cup of really good coffee.
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