8 Ways to Help Kick the Flu to the Curb

There is no doubt about it, influenza causes 200,000 hospitalizations & 36,000 deaths each year according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
So a flu shot could save your life right???
Well, according to the NIH (National Institute of Health), for the past 25 years, winter death rates for those at risk have stayed the same even though there has been a 40-50% increase in vaccination rates!
So what else can you do to prevent the flu? Build up your immune system…
5 Ways to Build Your Immune System
1. Vitamin D: This vitamin is really a hormone and your body makes Vitamin D in your skin when you are in the sun. During the winter months and flu season, your Vitamin D levels are low. Supplement with 2,000 - 4,000 IUs per day to boost your immune system.
2. Whey Protein (contains dairy) builds your immune system by increasing glutathione levels, one of your bodies strongest antioxidants. It also includes lactoferrin which is antimicrobial. Warning, whey protein is a dairy product so it you have a diary sensitivity or allergies, do not take this.
3. Cats Claw (unadegato) increases killer T cells, increases macrophage activity. Dosing is 2-4 capsules per day or if in a tincture, 20 drops per day. See what the NIH says about this.
4. Maitake D Fraction increases NK cell activity and killer T Cells. Dosing is usually 2-4 per day.
5. Aged Garlic is one of the most widely studied matural compounds. Increases glutathione, is anti-viral, antioxidant & has anti-inflammatory properties. Again, dosing is usually 2-4 per day.
3 Actions to Take if You Get the Flu:
1. Take Vitamin C starting at 3,000 mg every 4 hours. If you develop diarrhea, decrease the amount to tolerance. Vitamin C is antiviral & an antioxidant.
2. Vitamin A 20,000-30,000 IUs plus Eldeberry extract every day for 3 to 10 days. Both are antiviral and have been shown to decrease symptoms of the flu. Vitamin A should be only taken at these doses for short periods of time.
3. For nausea and vomiting, consider having your doctor write a preoscription for transdermal (topical) Phenergan that your local compounding pharmacy can formulate for you. Forget the pills and those suppositories, just rub the transdermal on your skin for almost immediate relief.
Please note: These are tips, not medical advice. For medical advice that relates to your specific condition, please check with your own doctor.
About the Author
Keri Topouzian D.O., FACOEP
Diplomate, American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine
Dr. Topouzian is a partner at The Center of Healthy Living & received his degree in Osteopathic Medicine from the Kansas City University of Medicine in 1982. Double-boarded in emergency medicine, is now board certified in Anti-Aging Medicine & has completed a two year fellowship in Functional Medicine.
Dr. Topouzian focuses his energies on seeking out the root/underlying cause of a patient’s complaints & utilizes Bio-identical Hormones, pharmaceutical grade nutrients from compounding pharmacies as well as new, old & forgotten Science Based treatment options.
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