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A blog about all things allergen-free and delicious

Entries in green cuisine (1)


New Restaurant! "Grove". Creative, Conscious, Cuisine.

New Restaurant Opening in Grand Rapids, MI


Very excited to tell you that, today, Grove has announced their August opening!  I'm hearing through the grapevine that their "creative, conscientious, cuisine"  will not only focus on "earth-to-table" but also serve Tender Foodies well.    It will be located in the old Corez restaurant at 919 Cherry St. SE in East Hills, opposite the The Green Well Gastro Pub and is owned by Essence Restaurant Group.  Essence has developed other Tender Foodie-worthy locations, including The Green Well and Bistro Bella Vita.  They attend to gluten-free, dairy-free and other food allergies.

I spoke with Rob McCarty, the "Jack of All" at the Image Shoppe, Essence's marketing engine.  He gave us a little more insight:

"People are asking me how Grove will be different than the Green Well.  Where the Green Well is alive and high octane, Grove will be more relaxed and focused.  I can confidently say that there won't be anything like it in the region.  It will be unique and awesome."

Congratulations Essence!

Read the full Grand Rapids Press Announcement