Chef's Tip: Freeze Cranberries & Add Nutrients to More Foods

It's cranberry season! Fresh cranberries are incredibly good for you, and in The Tender Palate's opinion, should be used much more often than at Thanksgiving. To extend the life of your cranberries, throw them into a freezer bag and into the freezer as soon as you get them home from the grocery store or farmer's market. Then wash them before each use. Run boiling water over them to wash and thaw and then immediately rinse them with cold, filtered water. Throw them into pancakes, smoothies, sauces, hot breakfast cereal, gluten-free sweet breads.. whatever sounds good to you.
CRANBERRIES are full of Vitamins C & K, manganese, and dietary fiber. But the phytonutrients are in the wheel house that researchers believe delivers anti-oxident, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and all of the benefits that go with them. They support your heart, stomach, immune system, mouth & gums and urinary tract. The phytonutrients are mostly found in the skin of the fruit, so eat those little puppies whole, too.
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