Thanksgiving Tip: How to get a gluten-free turkey

As you get to your local grocery or local farm to pick up your turkeys, remember that your gluten-free guests need a turkey that is gluten-free. "What?" There has been a common, yet declining practice of injecting the turkey or chicken with a broth or saline solution that contains gluten (in order to plump the bird). This is especially true for pre-prepared and pre-roasted birds. If your bird is pre-herbed, or has a seasoning package with it, pass on it. Seasoning mixes often contain gluten as well.
Make sure to double check with the processor of your turkey or chicken to make sure it is not injected with broth. Your best bet is to find a local farm who is in charge of the complete processing of the turkey, but there are more and more mainstream processors who are offering gluten-free turkeys.
Butterball Frozen Whole Turkey
Read more about the Most Surprising Places for Hidden Gluten
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