HALLOWEEN Tip: Create an "allergy goblin".

Today's Tip Brought to You By:
Halloween is a wonderful holiday, but for parents of food allergic kids, it can be a little scary for all of the wrong reasons. Communicating with your kids about the brands of wrapped candy that are "safe" for them to eat and what is not is a start. Even so, its best to sort through the candy with your child, and if you can make a game of it, all the better.
At the end of the night, when all of the candy is sorted, place your child's unsafe candy in a bag. Then, you and your child can place it outside the front door where the "good allergy goblin" will come and take it away, and give them a gift in return. After they go to bed, or before they wake up, replace the bag of candy with a toy your child will love. It's a magical way to make your child feel special. Halloween is a social holiday, that isn't just about candy, and game like this can help keep it joyful.
PLEASE NOTE: Rockford Food Allergy Network (RFAN) is not a medical organization and any information should not be relied upon as medical advice. ALWAYS discuss individual health questions, concerns and medical issues with a qualified physician."
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