Celiacs: Reduce your risk of heart disease
1 in 30 women will die of breast cancer but 1 in 3 women (as well as men) will die of a heart-related illness.
Celiac Disease is a genetic disorder that in general carries an increased risk for other illnesses but, research suggests that Celiacs are 30% more likely than the general population to die of an illness associated with the heart and vascular system. The reason behind this is summed up in one word: Inflammation.
The good news for those with Celiac Disease is that once you are stable on the gluten-free diet, your risk returns to that of the general population. However, as mentioned above, 1 in 3 people will die of a heart-related disease.
So take care of your emotional & physical heart.
Read more about how in this post by GUEST BLOGGER, BRANDY WENDLER, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC: Be True to Your Heart, Dear Celiac.