Chef Tip: Does your fresh-baked bread turn blue? or green?
I made a new recipe for banana bread this week, and as it baked it has a little bluish tint, but when cut, looked fine. I cut a slice and left it to finish cooling. When I came back to the kitchen to cover it, it was blue! and then green! A chemical reaction was at hand, but what?
After a little research, I found that baking powder and / or baking soda reacts with the cloraphyll (chlorogenic acid) in the sunflower butter causing this fun discoloration, and in this particular version of the recipe, I used sunflower butter. Most plants only have Chlorogenic acid in the stems and leaves, but sunflower also has it in the seeds/oil/butter.
Perhaps for the University of Michigan game a little maze and blue bread might be appropriate! ... or St. Patrick's Day!