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Daily Tips

When it comes to food allergies, there is a big learning curve.  To help with the details, we are posting a daily tip about the top food allergens, cross contamination and how to avoid it, crazy hidden places that food allergies hide, cooking and baking tips, and more.  There will be a new one every day!  Read them with your morning beverage, forward to family & friends who need them, and discuss.




Is Gluten Your Beast? When Testing the GF diet, make sure it is REALLY gluten-free

The Tender Foodie speaks to a lot of people about their diet, and their reactions to food. 

CLEAR GLUTEN REACTIONS: With some people it is really clear - as soon as they have a beer, or bread, or pizza - they feel sick or get swollen joints, they feel tired, or have a headache, a runny nose, bloating and other signs of intestinal distress like diahrea or constipation. 

NOT CLEAR GLUTEN REACTIONS: Others believe that they react to gluten, but when they remove it from their diets, they find no change in how they feel.  My first question to them is:  have you REALLY removed the gluten?  Check your beauty products, your medication (can have fillers), personal care products like lotions, lip balms and shampoos, read labels of food and supplements super judiciously for hidden ingredients... and check your toothpaste for inactive ingredients (you might have to call the company who makes your products). And don't cheat.  If you have an allergy to gluten, this is a no brainer.  But if you can "get away with it", your brain tends to tell you that it isn't much of a problem anyway - beacuse gluten is tasty as heck.. and its flippin' everywhere.

But that doesn't mean that you should eat the gluten if it is behaving in a beastly manner toward you.

HOW LONG?  It is not easy to remove gluten, but if that is your issue, you will be glad you tried it.  Some sources say to try it for 3 weeks, others for 3 months.  But it depends upon what's going on in your gut.  Some people feel better after 3 days, others, because of underlying issues or intestinal damage can take longer. 

And if gluten isn't your issue... you can rule something out before you get to the underlying cause of what is keeping you from your beautiful, thriving life. 


Know your reaction to food. It's the first step in healing.

It is not surprising that many people are confused about exactly what a food allergy, sensitivity, or intolerance is.  The immune system is very complicated.  But if you don't know WHAT you have, you won't be able to talk about it with your doctor, family, friends, or anyone who serves you.  Not successfully anyway.  And more importantly, you won't know how to avoid or treat reactions -- which is very, very important to your health.  So know your reaction to food.  Its the first step in healing.

Click here to see the different "food allergy" definitions, and find out what your reaction might be:  What is a Food Allergy Anyway?


Kid Tip: Kids Like Memories more than Veggies

Today's Tip Sponsored By Melanie Potock &:

Ahhh! The holidays!  Time for Grandma’s famous Green Bean Casserole.  Maybe THIS year your sweet child will take a bite of it and make Grandma so happy!  Don’t count on it.  Studies show that kids need to be exposed to new foods over and over just to be willing to try it again.  Unlike Mikey from the famous Life Cereal commercial, it can take many kids numerous “try its” before they actually “like it.”  How often do we really have Green Bean Casserole over the course of a year? 

Try this instead: Encourage Grandma and your child to make the casserole together.  It’s about the memories of creating a beautiful Thanksgiving together, not the bite of green beans.  Who really remembers their first bite of a casserole?  But, your child will remember many happy moments preparing dinner with Grandma.  It’s about our time together. 

If you have a food allergic child, and step in and help get ingredients that are safe for him/her, it's both a teaching and a bonding moment for all.

Read More:

How to Help Your Food Allergic Child Belong Over the Holidays


GMO Tip: Top GMO Foods to Avoid & to Buy Organic

Genetically Modified Foods are becoming more and more prevenlant in the marketplace, in fact,  91% of soy produced in the United States is genetically modified, as is 85% of corn and 88% of cottonseed (acc. to the USDA economic research service). 

‪A GMO food contains genes replicated in a lab from other plants, animals, bacteria or even viruses that give these foods different characteristics – such as a resistance to insects, increased yield, or drought resistance.  This is not crossbreeding.  GMO crops are specifically engineered to withstand the direct application of herbicide, and /or to produce insecticide.‬  Long term, independent studies are showing that GMOs could be the underlying cause for many of our modern diseases, including food allergies.  Read more about Organic Labeling & GMO's here:


The top eight GM food crops are the following - and the safest route is to buy these organic:





sugar beets

Hawaiian papaya

and some zucchini and yellow squash.


Holiday Tip: Creative activities can help food allergic kids belong

If a child has food allergies, especially multiple food allergies, holidays can be a time of feeling left out.  Creativing activities that help these kids have fun and be social can take the sting out of the many dishes that might pass them by.  Here's one idea from guest blogger, Melani Potock, that is good for adults, too:

While the adults are preparing the food or perhaps at your house the day before, have a special party for the kids to decorate the table.  Older cousins can assist as the younger kiddos make the centerpiece, place cards, napkin rings or place mats.   This is a time to encourage each generation to get to know each other  a little bit better.  What wonderful conversation starters this will be when everyone sits down!

Read more tips here!:  Tips to Help Your Food Allergic Child Belong During the Holidays