Halloween Tip: Involve Your Child's Friends in Removing UnSafe Candy

If you have a food allergic child, ask his or her friends to help you go through your child's treat bag and pull out all the non-safe treats. Then, take out a box of safe chocolate that you have pre-ordered online or purchased at your local store and replace what was taken from yoru child's bag. The fun part for the kids comes when you divvy up the non-safe treats and they are all able to fill their bags up a little more with the new found treasure. A bunch gets accomplished with this process.
1. Your child's friends are reminded that he/she has a serious condition
2. They also get to see that your child is not not losing out on anything
3. Plus, your child's friends get to reap the benefits of helping him and that really delivers the message in a positive way.
PLEASE NOTE: Rockford Food Allergy Network (RFAN) is not a medical organization and any information should not be relied upon as medical advice. ALWAYS discuss individual health questions, concerns and medical issues with a qualified physician."
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